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About Our Centre
Dr. Sudha's test tube baby centre is conveniently located in the heart of the city of Hyderabad.
Take a moment to our state of the art IVF Laboratory at Sudha's Test tube baby centre, designed and executed according to standard norms. It is located at Vikaspuri, near A.G.Colony, an easily accessible area of Hyderabad in a quite residential area. Here we do In vitro fertilization to form an embryo that can be implanted in the uterus to achieve pregnancy or preserved. Our state of the art lab for assisted conception is an amazing world providing the optimal environment for IVF. An adjacent procedure room to the IVF Lab ensures that eggs that are being retrieved or embryos that are being transferred are not exposed to detrimental fluctuation in the environment. Special sophisticated international quality Co2 incubator with all safety alarms & quality control to provide humidity, temperature and pH most optimal for early human embryos to even blastocysts which provide the same atmosphere as of mother's womb. The andrology lab is also conveniently located just by the side of IVF lab.

Operation theatres are fully equipped with Boyle's apparatus, multipara monitor, ECG and cardiac monitor, video endoscopy and Laparoscopic surgery setup ensuring high safety standards for the patients.
At Sudha test tube baby centre patient care is based on four important corner stones
provide the best possible infertility care for our patients
establish individual treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient
maintain a highly trained and experienced medical staff
create a comfortable private setting where our patients feel comfortable and well cared for.

Our on-site diagnostic laboratory features the most advanced technology used in vitro fertilization, thorough semen and hormone analysis, sperm preparation and the assisted reproductive technologies.

We have also created a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for our patients, providing a private and supportive environment that can help to ease the stress and emotional struggles of infertility. At Sudha's test tube baby centre, you will never be alone in your path to parenthood. From the initial testing and diagnosis through the most advanced treatment options, the team is committed to working together with each patient, to find the most effective solutions to your family building challenges.